The Squirrel | Teen Ink

The Squirrel

January 10, 2017
By Soccer20 GOLD, Oconomowoc , Wisconsin
Soccer20 GOLD, Oconomowoc , Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stretching as he awoke,
his mind was filled with thoughts of acorns.
He saw his friends getting up, and he grinned.
He had been practicing new tricks, and today he would show them off.

He spied the acorn at the end of the branch,
Twisting and turning, jumping and leaping, he got closer.
He could feel his friend's eyes on him,
knowing they would be even more impressed with his next trick.

He picked up his speed, but became very unbalanced. 
He tried to fix his footing, but it was too late.
Embarrassed and ashamed he fell to the branch below,
no acorn to show for it.


The next day, he tried again,
Wanting to redeem himself.
He spotted the perfect acorn,
and knew it was show time.

He started simple,
just attempting a few tricks.
Perfect so far,
he was working up to his big finale.

He picked up speed,
As he had done the last time.
This time he executed his flip perfectly.
His friends were in awe.

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