Life Has No Limits | Teen Ink

Life Has No Limits

January 10, 2017
By Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"don't give up on your dream doesn't matter what it is..."

Life has no limits its difficult and have no rumours or feelings , that people wouldnt help you when you need them life has no limits its not easy like in video games we got a messed up generation we kill one of our kinds for no reason we abuse our pets but act like we are doing he right thing , we have cops that they say "we help all religions" but they kill anyone they see their doing right in their lives or wrong , people getting kill for sneakers , phone , clothes , food , music rap , a long way in h--- in this world we always dying with no pride they always kill the white , black , PR , CV , Haitians to tell really? i dont care what color you are just continue your life like the others do but i guess we dont do that in this world this generation is all messed up people raping kids , women , and animals , even men this world isnt right every single time you tyr to change it , everything's change you cant change nothing life has no limits even if you try to do something about it......

The author's comments:

im talking bout our world where we kill to save lives and kill to defend each other or kill to just be killed by someone who has no pride and everything in this world is all messed up but we really cant do nothing about it even how hard we try to change this world to make it a better place for all lives

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