In a Moment | Teen Ink

In a Moment

January 28, 2017
By CPallatto SILVER, Jupiter, Florida
CPallatto SILVER, Jupiter, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stare ahead until my eyes

lock on yours

for one fleeting moment. 

We both glance away,

pretending the other is



The way you stared

into my eyes

haunts me all day;

your eyes beg me

to notice you,

to speak to you,

to acknowledge your pain.


The fact that we haven't spoken

in months

creates an ocean

that spans the distance

between us.


We've both tried crossing it,

but we have never made it

back to each other.

I am not ready to have my hopes


yet again.


I think about reaching out

to you; I yearn to

hear your voice again.

Your lack of interest

always stifles my desire.


For now I will just have

to make the best 

of the brief moments

between us.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece after a close friend slowly drifted away from me.

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