critical review | Teen Ink

critical review

January 25, 2017
By herrond98 BRONZE, Midland, Michigan
herrond98 BRONZE, Midland, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There has been a lot of movies made about previous wars and there is a lot of speculation of whether or not they are positive or negative reflections.  War movies tend to focus more on the brutality and horror of war then they do they effects of the countries involved.  War movies are not just about killing and ransacking every small town that they come across.  War movies depict emotion and relationships that  Hacksaw Ridge did a great job portraying.

Hacksaw Ridge is an intense movie that suggests patriotism, and brotherly love.  Desmond is a small town boy that is needed in world war 2.  He fights as a medic without any weapon.  The men that he fights with rely on him to get them out of the war zone to safety.  Neglecting physical pain he saves 75 lives by himself.  Many don't understand why this man is doing this but they are all inspired and seem to feed off of his energy. Many accused Desmond of not wanting to serve because of the fact he wouldn't kill/carry a rifle, but he told them that he needed to support in some way besides killing. Desmond uses his love for his country to propel him through through the challenges of trying to save lives.  He views his troops as brothers on the battlefield.  These characteristics show us that Desmond truly had love for the people that he was surrounded by everyday, so much so he was willing to die to save them.  He truly felt that he could make a difference in the war without just killing and shooting.  What Desmond did is inspiring to the whole country and brought light into a world the needed at that time.

Desmond does not believe in murder, but makes extraordinary actions in saving the lives of 75 men.  Desmond is a firm believer in Christ and one of His commandments is “ Thou shall not murder”.  This was clear as day for Desmond he was not going to kill.  Military men called him a coward and other rude names because they felt as if he was to scared to kill.  Desmond went to court and had told them that he needs to serve his country but in a way without blood shed.  He figured being a medic would be just for the needed help. In the film the army has retreated giving the edge to the Japanese.  Desmond would not return until he had saved as many men as his physical self could handle.  Avoiding bombs, attacks, and even traps he managed to get men lowered from the ridge to the safe base.  The most important aspect of this film is that he didn't just save the American troops.  He truly cared about the wellbeing of both sides.

In conclusion Hacksaw Ridge was a great film and one of the most eye opening war films since Saving Private Ryan. It reflects a lot of the believes that many Americans hold in our culture to this day.  I think the biggest lesson to be learned here is that we don't need killing and gore to solve our global issues.  We need more people like Desmond in our world today.  Great movie and i highly recommend to everybody looking for a film to boost your inner Uncle Sam.

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