I am a Postcard | Teen Ink

I am a Postcard

April 18, 2017
By glk17 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
glk17 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A new experience, a time away from reality, exciting and timeless, a trip of a lifetime. Exploring vast wonders and expanding my horizon, visiting historic locations or tropical beaches. Whatever it is, I will soon be packed onto one, dainty piece of paper. A stereotypical photo placed on my front side, the Hollywood sign, a sunset, or maybe a mountain scenery. But… once sent across hundreds of miles and multiple seas, I will reach my destination. Soon someone will see, I am more than just a picture, instead I am a memory.
Creative and observant, open me up and inside you’ll find thousands of words flooded onto just a couple of lines. Handwriting that starts off neat and tidy and turns into a sloppy form of cursive penmanship. Ideas that are all jumbled together but somehow seems to flow in way that describes my wondrous journey. More than a pretty picture, more than just a card, more than an adventurous vacation, a memory, a piece of me, who I am.

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