Recipe for a Perfect Sister Relationship | Teen Ink

Recipe for a Perfect Sister Relationship

April 18, 2017
By glk17 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
glk17 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

- two heaping closets full of clothes
- a pile of before and after school car rides
- a jumble of fascinating secrets
-a sprinkle of arguments
-an acre of working it out
- a pinch of shoulders to cry on
- a mountain of joyous memories
- a clutter of tears (both happy and sad)
- a wink of silly pictures
- a bin full of jokes only you two will ever understand
- a galaxy of giggles and laughter
- countless family vacations

Start with two heaping closets full of clothes, that are meant to be shared between both sisters. Next sprinkle in the arguments, since sharing isn’t always so easy. Mix in an entire acre of working it out, since making up is not an option, it is a must. The following step will include a pile of before and after school car rides, where a jumble of fascinating secrets will be told. This is where you add in a mountain of joyous memories, that will forever last a lifetime. Alongside the memories automatically comes a wink of silly pictures and a clutter of both happy and sometimes sad tears. With the sad tears, of course there will be a pinch of shoulders to cry on, but that is what sisters are for. Stir in a countless number of family vacations, where you ditch your parents and for a week your sister instantly becomes your best friend. After that week spent somewhere other than home, a bin full of jokes only you two will ever comprehend will be added to your bond. The recipe is recommended to be consumed and remembered everyday in order for a perfect relationship between two girls who are family, but also unbreakable friends.

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