Where I Am From | Teen Ink

Where I Am From

September 19, 2017
By erricaa189 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
erricaa189 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a lighthearted and devoted family of six,
twelve aunts and twelve uncles,
each with two to four kids makes for hundreds of wrapped gifts on Christmas Day at the Schlise’s.

From waking up at 7am with Momma,
from chocolate chip pancakes drenched in Maple syrup on Saturday mornings,
to spending hours in the garden yanking weeds around the maze of flowers.

I am from the family-friendly community of Merton,
where playing at the park and cheering on baseball games is a necessity,
and biking for miles on the Bugline to get that chocolate ice cream with blue and white sprinkles.

From snowmobiling since four,
hauled in a pull behind driven by Dad,
shivering, teeth chattering, but only wanting to go farther and farther.

I am from annual summer trips to Six Flags,
squeezing my Dad’s hand as we go down the 202 foot drop on Raging Bull,
screaming as if I am a little girl wanting a rainbow lollipop from the store.

From a family of perfectionists and know it alls,
to having fresh, diagonal cut lawn that takes hours to perfect,
to bickering about who is right and wrong on how to properly fold Dad’s blue jeans on laundry day.

I am from thousands of wrinkled pictures in shoes boxes stuffed in Mom’s closet,
remembering those frigid winter days bundled up,
finalizing the snowman with a rotted carrot nose and a pink knitted scarf from grandma.

From a family of acceptance,
endless love for one another,
but continuing to have high expectations to exceed.

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