Where I am From Poem | Teen Ink

Where I am From Poem

December 8, 2017
By emma.lanza BRONZE, Commack, New York
emma.lanza BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from soccer balls
From nike cleats and shin guards
I am from the hugs after fights and warm hot chocolates
(soft and comforting
it tasted like soft cookies)
I am from the cold ocean
The rough waves
That i will always refuse to leave
I’m from the homemade pizzas and blue eyes
From Maria and Vincent
I’m from the loud and hand gestures

I am from lullabies and big dreams
I’m from going to worship once a year
Than praying when times are bad

I’m from warm weather and old buildings
From cooked fish and pasta with tomato sauce
From the journey my grandfather made as a kid
From the family dinners my nana makes

I am from the cartoons early in the morning with pancakes on the side
And I am from those moments that you think back on and laugh like it was just yesterday

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