Mend What's Broken | Teen Ink

Mend What's Broken

March 8, 2018
By MacedonianSoul SILVER, Montville, New Jersey
MacedonianSoul SILVER, Montville, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Though she be but little she is fierce'

I live in a world,
where grief rings;
from barren landscape,
to singed forests.
Destruction marched on our doorsteps,
not to long ago,
and it tore our families to shreds.
Every ounce of evil that created this new world of sorrow,
was caused by man.
Man’s hate
And man's inner demon,
killed my young brother,
and burned my mother alive.
Man’s jealousy
And Man’s foolishness
left me alone in a world
where sadness rules.
The war left many orphaned,
and left others lying dead on the ground.
The war left homes in ruins
and left people of all kinds in tears.
The war left its devilish mark on our lands,
but it's evil did not leave us heartless.
The war was meant to split us;
to put a certain group over others,
but it did the opposite.
The war brought us together;
it united us.
Those of us who were left alone
and scared
came together;
no matter our differences.
We lived together
and helped each other through the sorrow
because to live in harmony
is the only way to mend the broken.

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