Living in C | Teen Ink

Living in C MAG

May 14, 2018
By IsaiahW SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
IsaiahW SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Include iostream,

Include Christianity,

Include family,

Include friends.


Function number one:

String Soccer.

int field, filled with breeze, warmth, sunlight, and dirt.

bool running, which is always set to true.

Finally a string, holding the words
of encouraging peers.

Return endurance.


Next Function:

Double Robotics.

Instantiate a class called family,

Passing in both the strings: “Fun Filled”
and “Hard Working.”

If practice equals true,

Family dot learn.

If Competition equals true,

Family dot strengthen.

Return Stem Proficiency.


Third Function:

String Speech.

Tournaments pointing to long days

With bubbling nerves inputted into them.

Practices where the nerves still remain,

But the stored memory is slowly being
wiped clean.

Return confidence.


Next Function:

Float Band.

Int Instruments with indexes of French horn, Trumpet, Piano, and Steel Drums.

Early practices sometimes relating
to memory leaks,

But loud, exciting, later gatherings cleaning any mis-allocations.

Return rhythm.


Final Function:

Int school

With each class a piece of a switch statement switching

Between different tools to shape me
into a well-rounded individual.

A stream of encounters and experiences

Each with a permanent imprint on the local hard drive.

Return readiness.


Int Main.

Call function: Soccer,

Call function: Robotics,

Call: Speech, and

Function: Band,

Call function: School.

Return “Isaiah”

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