Off Limits | Teen Ink

Off Limits

June 8, 2018
By RamenApocalypse SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
RamenApocalypse SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone needs to tell the truth, but it shouldn't be my job.-Thom Yorke

I’m not just a museum display

You can’t just make comments about me whenever you like

You can’t just come into my room without knocking first

You can’t just say things behind my back

You can’t just expect me to fix your problems easily

You can’t just expect me to cure your loneliness

Or your longing for a romantic relationship

You can’t just turn to me about your problems after you silence me

You can’t just expect me to forgive every single thing you do

Even if at the time you were feeling blue.

You can’t just do something bad

And believe that later I won’t feel sad

You can’t just casually push me away

And expect me to dutifully stay

I’m not your angel

I’m not a savior

I’m not your girlfriend

I’m not your heavensend

I am just your friend

Imperfect, like you

But if you’re going to be my friend

Be a decent one.

The author's comments:

This is something I wrote I a few months ago. I was kinda feeling mad at the human race at the time, so here's what came out of it.

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