Moments | Teen Ink


June 10, 2018
By natalienm02 BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
natalienm02 BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."-Peter Drucker

That feeling that one gets from a thrilling chase

an exhilarating blast of excitement, a rollercoaster

racing faster and faster and soaring through loopholes

that become crazier and crazier but doesn’t stop the

irregular thumping of the heart that sounds like

a pounding snare drum with heavy staccatos of

the same note that bang repeatedly in the mind

or the throbbing pulse of the head shaking back and forth

on its own rhythm, the metronome a steady, constant beat.


The emotion one experiences when a pawn

is successfully promoted to a queen across a checkered board

or the thrill of gliding across the powdered white snow of the artic

not giving a care in the world

Laughing overwhelmingly with exceeding amounts of bliss

like a newborn baby with its soft skin and angelic

features, a wave of delight is planted on ones lips

but heavily painted and smeared across their face

like a paintbrush and they are the canvas.


Perhaps it’s the romanticism of nostalgia that one gets

when the climax of the piano concerto finally starts and

the sound of urgent fingers pressing down on white keys

awes the whole audience and causes the feeling of

ecstasy in which the body can easily leap for the

clouds and be washed away by the atmosphere of

serenity or the lighthearted notion

of the turquoise waves being dragged drowsily in and out

collecting pieces of sand to hold as prisoner.


That sensation that one can only fathom is existent

if they closed their eyes gently and abstracted a

world where fake is real and imagination isn’t

made-up or make believe but tangible and genuine,

so exact that the future is meticulously sculpted in one’s


A future so bright it blinds the eyes and makes the sun

jealous in comparison.

A lifetime of thrills and enlightenment

Where one escapes their old existence and

holds on to the new, concrete one.

Where one contemplates their past and

acknowledges that indeed

this was the way they should’ve been living

all of their life.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to encourage others to be free-spirited and independent and explore new adventures and journeys for hte sake of self-fullfillment. This piece is meant as a breakthrough from stress and planned routines to living a life that is eratic and crazy, yet exhilarating. Enjoy!

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