Tomato Soup? | Teen Ink

Tomato Soup?

December 16, 2019
By andersonm2 BRONZE, Harvard, Illinois
andersonm2 BRONZE, Harvard, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where am I right now?

My hand, I feel plastic by.

Wet, my toe is. Hmmm.

My eyes opening

Of red liquid, I see lots.

Red, orange, feels warm.

Looking under me.

A yellow floatie, there is.

So wack, this is, bro.

There is, on my arms

Two inflatable armbands.

Get here, how did I?


So clueless, I am.

In the distance, I see grey.

Go check it, I must.

Paddling, I start.

Might be a way out. Hmmm, yes.

Hands pushing red back.

Getting close, I am.

Happening now, what is? Ahhh!

Me out, someone dumped.

So covered, I am.

My mouth, some goo got in. Hmmm.

Scrumptious, it is. Mmmm.


That thing, what is? Hmmm.

Coming at me, it is! Ahhh!

Dip, I must. Herh Herh.

Is that a spoon, hmmm?

The spoon goes under, see can’t.

Why am I moving?

The red yummy stuff!

To see, getting harder. Yes.

Oh no, that, what is?

Big and red, it is.

I see many teeth in it.

Big chompers. Herh Herh.

To stop this, I need.

Scream at the top of my lungs, 

I must, now. Hmmm yes.

So loudly, I yell,

“Wait!” And suddenly I stop.

Motionless, I am.

Just sitting, I am.

An iris, all I see is.

Like mocha brown, looks.

Pulled away, I get.

Ohhhh! I see, face, it is. Hmmmmmm.

“Who or what are you?”

“Baby Yoda, Yes!”

With my talking, seems confused.

“Who dude, are you? Hmmm.”

“Barack Obama.”

Me up, in his hands, he picks,

“Why are you in soup?”

Soup, oh the goo is!

“How I got here, I know not.”

Hope he throws me not.

Explain more, I need.

“Not long ago, woke up here.

So confused, I am.”

“I understand. Here.”

Me on the counter, he sets.

Off my clothes, he takes.

Me off, he washes.

Wrapped in a towel, I am.

Soaked, no longer. Yes.

Obama hands me, 

A small cup of soup. Yummy.

“Thank you dude. Hrmmm, Yes.”

“It’s not a problem.

You can stay here, if you want.”

Hmmm.. Dreaming, am I?

“For real? Cool, that is.

I want to stay. More soup, have?”

He hands me more. Mmm.

And enjoy, we sit.

Indeed. This place, I will love.

We sip soup. The end.

The author's comments:

This is a short story made of haikus. I wrote this for my creative writing class. It is about Baby Yoda waking up in a can of tomato soup and he is confused on how he got there. He is poured in a bowl, picked up by a spoon, and is almost in someone's mouth. He yells and it is Obama's face. He explains himself and Obama understands. In the end, Obama let's him stay and they sip soup. Pretty wack.

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