Night | Teen Ink


March 16, 2012
By iheartpink SILVER, Sunman, Indiana
iheartpink SILVER, Sunman, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Night's refreshing air
Breathes softly as the earth sleeps.
Cool, crisp, and peaceful.

The chilled atmosphere
Creates a calm, clean feeling,
Leaving all things pure.

Appeasing scents of
Midnight dew and lush, green leaves
Carries through the wind.

The blanket of night
Lays lightly on the calmed earth,
Giving nature rest.

The crickets' deep song
Bellows throughout the sheltered
Shadow of darkness.

Howling winds dance throughout
Space and hidden creatures prowl
In the brittle leaves.

The essence in the night
Is life in the faint breeze,
Fresh as a newborn.

The black shadows of
Darkness stay mysterious
And all life holds still.

Hovering above,
The stars display a great delight,
Strewn across the sky.

The calm of night is
The elegance of this world.
Beauty can't describe.

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