where i'm from | Teen Ink

where i'm from

June 3, 2019
By azashley BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
azashley BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where I'm from by Aurora Ashley

I'm from cinnamon and sugar bagels

At firefly after dance when it starts to get dark

I'm from Pacific Ave and all of its music   

And art coming off the streets

I'm from burning dead Christmas trees at dark on the beach

with the Johnson’s and Newman’s

I'm from a moldy rat infested house

With a splintery floor and back yard swamps

I'm from picking up other people's trash on the beach

With my schools for 5 years

I'm from learning how to ride a bike at 11 years old

And planting marigolds and cactus with or for a friend

I'm from walking across the wharf

With the sounds of the sea lions barking

I'm from the creek at Delaveaga Park

that I always try to walk across

I'm from tall brightly colored redwood forest

full of people Walking and speaking

I'm from making drip towers

digging up sand crabs

I'm from marine´s, manini´s, and top-a-lot

I'm from hiking UCSC and Pogonick

I'm from 694 miles south of here

I'm from   Santa Cruz   California

The author's comments:

this is ware im from

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