My Morning Headache | Teen Ink

My Morning Headache

January 9, 2020
By Barrikmanj23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Barrikmanj23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Morning Headache

I wake up and head aches

It feels likes its being pounded by wave wakes

I slowly get up to try and get a glass of water

I think I might faint, I need a spotter

I wish this pain will stop, I will do whatever it takes

I work my way down the stairs, hoping I don't fall of the steep ridge

I have finally made it to the fridge

I grab a cub and fill it the top

It feels like my head is about to pop

My head feels better, just a smidge

I throw on something simple, not looking to put on a show

I then wash my hair, so I can get a nice flow

I finally feel well enough to go to school

I can’t miss the bus, that’s the rule

I walk outside all ready to go, but to my surprise, I see a thick blanket of snow.

The author's comments:

I am a freshman at Unionville High School. I play tennis and basketball. 

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