Depression Poem | Teen Ink

Depression Poem

October 20, 2015
By chassel19 BRONZE, Park CIty, Utah
chassel19 BRONZE, Park CIty, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Depression starts one way or another
For me it started and ended last year
Maybe it started because of the friends I hold dear
It could have been my dad, my sister or mother
Or maybe the school rather

None of that will have an effect
Because it will all be over
As fast as wishing on a clover
As soon as you think you are wrecked
Just wait another day and everything will be perfect

You have to help yourself through this
Whether you talk to a pro or a peer
Drugs really won’t help and neither will a beer
I promise you're not in an abyss
Soon it will be over and you will feel bliss

The author's comments:

I hope that people will understand that everything that really sucks right now wil not last forever.  It is the joy that lasts forever.

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