In The End | Teen Ink

In The End

March 22, 2021
By xoxo-sarabeth BRONZE, Colport, Pennsylvania
xoxo-sarabeth BRONZE, Colport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Put the killing right between your teeth but never give it the power to kill you

I finished my shampoo and conditioner at the same time and I hit the high note I've been dying to try.  I learned to play piano to pass the time and to stop me from crying that one last time. I dug myself out of a deep dark hole of failing grades and a depressive state, I got over that boy and over a mountain that's been in my way since I was a child in the first grade. But I refuse to give up and stop the fight because I got past some minor goals in my wonderland of a life. I want to succeed in major things, I want to graduate and get a degree, I want to become a surgeon and save many lives, I want to get married to the love of my life. I need to get closer to God and spread his word, I need to live my life without any fears. I need to be the girl who shows my peers that it’ll get better even if you have to drown yourself in tears. Keep your head up, you will succeed.  Just don’t give up, keep fighting, keep pushing beyond belief. Because in the end you wouldn't have failed, in the end you’ll be living your best life, in the end you will be happy, but if in the end you feel like you failed, turn around and look through your past look at how far you have come, look at all you've accomplished. In the end you did it, you got through it, you can now say that you're done.

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