Perfectly Fine | Teen Ink

Perfectly Fine

May 9, 2024
By WaveyBee SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
WaveyBee SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In general, however, at the end of a long day, you are—
Unlikely as it may seem—the record holder of note." - Alberto Rios

"I want to be so well rounded that I make circles look like squares". - Natasha Oceane

“If you can’t learn to travel comfortably alongside your fear, then you’ll never be able to go anywhere interesting or do anything interesting.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

I held on to our life 360 for longer than I should have

Couldn’t bring myself to delete it

Couldn’t bring myself to to admit 

that I don’t need to know how far you were from picking me up

or when you'll get home

when you need to charge your phone

But that's over now

I deleted it

Cause I can admit 

That our door has closed

It’s out of my control

I’m growing

Without you

And I’m perfectly fine

Without you by my side

It's Crazy

Never would've believed

That I would be ok

Without asking you first what to say


I’m changing

Stronger now

So bold

doing it alone


I don’t need you,


I’m perfectly fine

Without you by my side 


I grieved you like you held the world

You grieved me like I was just some girl

I’m not, I taught you everything

The reason you passed biology

Held your hand under the sheets

Gave my shoulder for your head to lean

That really hurt me

Your apathy

But I’m over it now

Barely cried once this week

I’m growing

Without you

And I’m perfectly fine

Without you by my side

It's Crazy

Never would've believed

That I would be ok

Without asking you first what to say


I’m changing

Stronger now

So bold

doing it alone


I don’t need you,


I’m perfectly fine

Without you by my side 

The author's comments:

This song is about a friendship that ended. I knew it was over, but I couldn't let it go. I felt unappreciated and alone. But now, I'm perfectly fine. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 1 at 9:34 pm
Daggers_and_Daisies, Toronto, Ontario
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This hit's so hard because just recently I had a falling out with my best friend and while i'm not fine I know I will be <3