Shining Light Behind | Teen Ink

Shining Light Behind

June 18, 2010
By scenexgore PLATINUM, Iron City, Tennessee
scenexgore PLATINUM, Iron City, Tennessee
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A killing drive,
Sometimes starts for fun,
It comes with the sins,
No one wants to say,
It means we fail,
When we die,
No one can tell,
When we'll die,

Taking his light,
And shining it behind,
For the ones who fallow,
Just to be kind,

A blood drive,
Starts out of love,
Help cure the sick,
And the ones astray,
So we won't fail,
When we die,
Only God knows,
When we'll die,

Taking his light,
And shining it behind,
For the ones who fallow,
Just to be kind,

This is the last chance,
The last chance to save you,

He will forever take you,
He will never forsake you,

This is my last chance,
My last chance to save you,

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