Our own way. | Teen Ink

Our own way.

July 12, 2011
By loveley17 SILVER, Hemet, California
loveley17 SILVER, Hemet, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav. Quote is sooo chezzy!<br /> &quot;I perfer Brunetts&quot; -Edward Cullen Eclipse<br /> I like this quote because its one day i&#039;d like to hear the same thing.. (But only blonde.. Cuz im blonde:) )

I am new, I am me,I'll do anything to get free, from this place,Ive gotta face,Everything that will hurt me one day. So I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you one day,cuz I've gotta go my own way.
pre corus:
Ya. It started out great, you walked me to my locker,we laughed,we cried, but sorry to have to knock you off of your pedestal. Cuz your not that great.
Verse 1:
You were so cool,You made every girl in school, drool.You picked me and I'm flattered,for a while you had me bathe-rd than making me feel like I'm not good enough,well let me tell you off!
Verse 2:
Now were yellin and were cursing and this relationship ain't worth it. Not worth the tears or the stress or the emotional distress!
Here we are I wish we werent,i wish you never thought i was worth it.
Its not that i dont like you,dont get me wrong, your sweet and funny and dont own a bong,but baby its tI'me to move on. Its not working out,we've been putting this off so long. Its tI'me to go our own way. I hope to catch up one day.

The author's comments:
This is a song i wrote about a relationship that needs to end and they need to go there own way. I just wrote this from the top of my head

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