kiss me goodnite | Teen Ink

kiss me goodnite

January 21, 2013
By blondie98 BRONZE, Wilmer, Alabama
blondie98 BRONZE, Wilmer, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, never change for another person, and finally, live life your iwn way. Make your own happily ever after

Love,it can be such a magical thing,holding eachother that very first week.
But then you have your first fight at 3am cauae he needed you then and you weren't there for him
he's yelling at you your're screaming back at him, hes headin for the door dint let him go cause he does ot's gonna kill you so...
don't let him go sit him on the couch make him tell you how he feels,make sure he tells it all or else this ain't doin you no good right now. when he starts to cry hold him in your arms and let him cry. when he saya i love you say, i love you to,don't you ever go or you might as well kill me right now. i love you baby if you love me then
kiss me goodnite...yeah
all of a sudden,it's so clear to him,he can't leave you ever ever ever
you stand up to leave,but he pushes you back down and he says,
baby,i ain't goin nowhere,i can't let you go, you're the one who's keeping me alive day and night.niw baby please don't cry come to me. baby i love you now please
kiss me goodnite...yeah
kiss me goodnite
now you're layin in bed
kissin him goodnite

The author's comments:
This song was dedecated to a friend who strongly help me out through stuff.

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