Alone | Teen Ink


May 7, 2013
By steven goodridge BRONZE, Beverly, Massachusetts
steven goodridge BRONZE, Beverly, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Were looking at kids wit plastic smiles
We cant see how they feel inside,like shattered tiles
Its been going on for quite a while
Callin them names,gay,freaks making them want to scream
All they think is why cant i wake up from this dream?
But its reality and they cant wake up from that
Why cant we just stop the hate
Because were choosing these kids fates
Saying were perfect but were all just fake
We all have limits,how much more can they take?
They go home and sit in the dark hiding
While they're keeping strong and not crying
But to us its a joke til innocent kids start dying
These kids said everythings fine but we knew they were lying
So why we couldnt we take the time
To help them get out of the dark and let them shine
Their like soldiers on the front lines
They see and feel the worst of pain
While were in the sun their stuck in the rain
Now lets just say sorry because were the ones to blame
And when you feel alone
Ill show you the right road
I promise to show
Lets start one,two,three go
They are the real victims the hurt ones
While we look at them to make fun
Til one day they cant take it anymore and their lives are done
Because we made them feel like rejects callin them dumb
Because they twitch or have troubles daughters and sons
We never cared to stop and ask whats wrong
Their lives and mine made me write this song
Dont call this a wrap wit a W cuz im not done
We see thes kids get picked on
And what was our actions?
To make it worse and just not give a crap
It hurt using this topic to write a rap
But its for their help not mine
Because to me these kids deserve our time
What we did was a damn crime
Now lets stand in silence
Now sit down and listen to their words
This isnt a game dont be absurd
Hurting these kids for being different its friggan immature
It isnt a joke or human nature
Just look at them and tell them this
Im sorry for my wrongs and all the disses
Im sorry your poor, your dad tried by washing dishes
Im sorry i judged you because of your disorder
Now stop the bullying and bring life back to order
And when you feel alone
Ill show you the right road
I promise to show
Lets take the steps one,two,three go
One day we can stand hand in hand
Like on big family we will all take a stand
We,ll lend a hand when we need it
To end all of this teasing
Dont say this is cheesy
Because im one in a million making a difference
Theres no interference
This is my mission
To stop the hate and dissin
Lets take a step forward
And think before we blurt our words
Things we cant take back things that will hurt
If we all felt this way
Kids wouldnt be scared to be gay
Or think they are dumb because they made a mistake
Look whats at stake
These kids lives are on the line
So just give them your time
Ask her whats wrong if shes crying
So we can build our futures and keep kids from dying
And when you feel alone
We'll show you the right road
We promise to show
All together one,two,three go

The author's comments:
Being bullied and seeing bullys all my life is what inspired me to write this song. It is to help kids know they arent alone and everything will change, we just need to stick together.

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