The girl who didn't know | Teen Ink

The girl who didn't know

December 1, 2015
By VaniG. BRONZE, Sacramento, California
VaniG. BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am the brightest star, in the darkest night."

There was once a girl who grew up and didn't know,
That the joy  you have now, isn't the same you would have before,
As a kid she would color in a  coloring book,
Now the kids she sees are all on facebook,
She don't get it
She don't get it,
The ways things have changed,
Just aren't the same,
She don't get it,
She don't get it,
The ways things changed,
Will never be the same.

The author's comments:

This generation is diffrent. Everyone follows what everyone has. There's more social media than life itself. I see less kids playing outside. I see changes in people. Everyone I seem to meet acts like everyone else. Everything changed.

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