Love | Teen Ink


May 23, 2020
By s20093733 BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
s20093733 BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love the love, oh how it makes me love 
Up and down, side to side all around me 
Love is high like birds, I fly like a dove 
Sometimes, love, it stings it hurts like a bee 
At times it’s hard to find, but it will come 
Sometimes it can be in front of your face 
You may not want love, but it sticks like gum 
Love is love that’s that if that is the case 
There’s no right or wrong to love, love is love 
Some love her, some love him, some love them too 
Love from below. Yes, no. Love from above 
If they do not love back do not be blue 
Love will come, love will go, love stays for good 
When you find true love, it is where it stood 

The author's comments:

I took my friendships from the past and somewhat put it into this poem. I also want any one reads this to learn to never lose hope and have faith, no matter what they've bin through.

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