Wandering Leaves | Teen Ink

Wandering Leaves

December 14, 2022
By Taili GOLD, Lexington, Massachusetts
Taili GOLD, Lexington, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

See, each red leaf falls from the autumn trees.

Unveiled, brown treasures that wild creatures hide.

Leaves blush, as greeted by the autumn breeze.

Each stride paints a sea of colorful pride.

The aurora of the rising sunset

and falling sunrise fill the frosty air

of the darkened sky the warm sun forgets.

Feel the polar winds creeping ever near.

When acorns tumble with barren oaks’ speech,

and hills of foliole and flocks take flight,

come trees lined with Christmas lights, as we reach

the endless abyss of the darkest nights.

Wait, for darkness will be driven away,

as warm sunlight returns in golden rays.

The author's comments:

In this poem, I want to convey the scenery of autumn and the approaching of winter. I was inspired by the movement of the wind hurling piles of red and brown leaves across the road. I was waiting outside my school and could feel the frosty air around me. This poem is also inspired by the beautiful Shakespearean sonnets I learned about in my English class. 

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