Never Understood | Teen Ink

Never Understood

May 16, 2023
By WriteForYou23 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
WriteForYou23 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                Never Understood 
                                               By: Madison Durbin 
The emptiness is starting to feel normal. 
You wonder if all the happy memories were just a dream. 
The tears spew down like a puddle. 
You suddenly feel like you should scream. 
The feeling of sadness makes you want to break. 
You start to feel like there is no escape. 
You always wonder If you were just a mistake. 
Every feeling cuts more than a scrape. 
Never having friends. 
You feel like a burden. 
So, your life is full of pretends. 
Everyone forgets you are just a person. 
You scream your sorrow, but no one listens. 
Nobody knows you are under these conditions. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about how mental health can be hidden and how someone could be trapped in their own sorrow. 

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