The Forgotten Chapstick | Teen Ink

The Forgotten Chapstick

May 16, 2023
By Anonymous

The forgotten chapstick

I stay hidden away in your pocket until you need me

Useful to all but forgot to many 

Taking away the empty dry crunch of your lips 

I moisturize the duo vanishing the dead skin that is crisp  

So helpful and cheap yet you forget me

Lost in your pant pocket when you wash your jeans 

Though what if my price was changed

Would you forget me then 

Would you realize the help that I bring to your skin? 

Maybe that would be a life that we would both win 

Because If I wasn’t here your lips would be bricks 

And when you rub them together they would sound like the crunch of chips 

Now you may wonder how I’d win

But just helping yours lips is my goal

Its like a delivery guy getting a tip

Its why I come to work

Seeing your smile without a crack in your lip 

It’s really worth my while

If I didn’t stay away in your pocket 

And my price went up in the market 

Then maybe and only maybe you wouldn’t forget me. 

The author's comments:

I am a student trying to pass

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