whispers | Teen Ink


May 23, 2023
By Anonymous

In a realm where words take flight,
A poem I shall weave tonight.
With grace and rhythm, let us embark,
On a journey through imagination's arc.

In mystic lands of dreams untold,
Where silver rivers gently unfold,
Whispers of stars in velvet skies,
Painting tales where magic lies.

Amidst the meadows, flowers sway,
Bathing in the golden sun's ray,
Their petals dance with joyful glee,
A kaleidoscope of beauty to see.

Through the forest, shadows dance,
Whispering secrets in a rhythmic trance,
Nature's symphony, harmonies abound,
The orchestra of life, its vibrant sound.

In love's embrace, hearts intertwine,
A tapestry woven, divine and fine,
Words, like dewdrops on petals' embrace,
Capture emotions, time can't erase.

With each verse, emotions take flight,
Painting emotions in colors bright,
A canvas woven with poetic art,
Touches the soul, ignites the heart.

So let us cherish these words we share,
For in this poem, we find solace and care,
In every line, a story unfolds,
A tapestry of thoughts, a world behold.

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