The Trials | Teen Ink

The Trials

November 16, 2023
By AllysonKling BRONZE, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
AllysonKling BRONZE, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm up to my ears in unwritten words." -J.D. Salinger

It eats her alive with no mercy spared,

Questions of karma or just horrid luck.

Before the breaking point, she carried on,

Pain free, light moments could not dare be snuck.

How should she explain to her fellow peers,

A person with moving legs may not walk?

What distraction should she play to her ears,

When there’s too much pain to listen or talk?

Yearning for comfort and relief from this,

Her face goes grey with every moment passed.

Her mind falls down a sorrowful abyss,

Hoping and praying it will cease to last.

She knows to conquer she will have to fight,

To see the end of pain and start of light.

The author's comments:

Allyson is a high school student from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She is an editor of her school's online newspaper, where she oversees and formats staff editor's work along with her own. Allyson also enjoys writing fiction, poetry, and journalistic articles. Beyond high school, she hopes to pursue writing/publishing and editing.

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