Living Anew | Teen Ink

Living Anew

November 17, 2023
By BKeith5 BRONZE, Van Nuys, California
BKeith5 BRONZE, Van Nuys, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

With the year beginning once more and the dawn giving the day new life.

Tell me your feelings of content, my dear, your words are as true as art.

Angel, your laugh is as passionate as your loud-spoken strife.

Your wings are forever pure, I just know we’ll never be apart.

The green grass sways and the sweltering sun bathing us in warming beams,

Your smile slips for just a moment, was everything before a disguise?

When you speak it's as if you are never speaking of dreams,

Darling, please tell me you feel no despair for your tears would rip me at the seams.

The late months bringing air crisp as cider and leaves crackling,

Your seemingly cheerful voice as you yell for me to not tag along,

Your eyes growing sad, your footsteps getting quieter, your face slowly paling.

My one, my only, my love, you disappear into the fog.

The fresh snow now coating the ground while Persephone is away,

My daughter, how I would do anything to meet Charon for you.

The author's comments:

When someone is reading the poem I want them to feel as if this is a person talking about their lover and soulmate, but at the end I wanted to bring in that it was actually a parent talking about their child. Throughout the poem I wanted to show the deteriorating mental state of the child, leading up to her suicide, and how the parent chooses to ignore these signs because they think that it will be ok and their child is ok. Then once you have gone through all the seasons, you get to winter and watch as the parent realizes they have lost their only reason to stay alive and so they kill themself too. A double suicide in the form of a sonnet. Love in the form of dedicating death.

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