Enjoy It While It Lasts | Teen Ink

Enjoy It While It Lasts

April 16, 2024
By Anonymous

Nature is full of wonderful things.

The sweet-savory summer sunrise,

Wind in the spring, how it sings.

The bleak cold winter and how it cries.

The birds chirp and chirp throughout the fall,

And whistle wonderful songs in the morning rain.

The robin searches for worms when its offspring calls.

Birds come in an array of colors even the long-necked cranes.

Storms will come and water the flowers.

Lightning dazzles in the sky with a shock,

The thunder rumbles and gives the sky power.

The grim sky might make ducks misplace their flock.

Nature is fascinating, so soak it up,

Before the world is about to give up.

The author's comments:

This piece is about how we should savor nature and the World because we never know when it is going to end.

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