Covid | Teen Ink


May 8, 2024
By PoetsAnnoymous BRONZE, Hiawatha, Iowa
PoetsAnnoymous BRONZE, Hiawatha, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stare out at the abandoned city

Once busy it is all long forgotten 

I watch the packed hospital with pity 

The people trapped inside all lay rotten 

They die quickly with no trace of hope left

The disease has invaded them with malice

These times have left many people bereft

It’s rampage has left the world in callous 

My house has turned into my own prison 

I haven’t dared to venture outside yet 

Through these deep depths this sickness has risen 

And refuses to let the world forget 

I hope one day normal life will resume

But as of now I can only assume.

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