Heartbreak As My Muse | Teen Ink

Heartbreak As My Muse

May 8, 2024
By PoetsAnnoymous BRONZE, Hiawatha, Iowa
PoetsAnnoymous BRONZE, Hiawatha, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, how I long to see the sparkling stars 

They would shimmer before me in the sky

So bright they never failed to catch my eye

I remember how they used to be ours

Now all I seem to have are unseen scars

For I have bid you my final goodbye 

Even though the thought of you makes me cry

Yet I know the stars will never be ours

One look at the sky and I will feel you

The stars echo your worthless swears to stay

Those words you spoke I always seem to rue

I wish for this heartbreak to go away

When I move on the stars will be my muse

And I won’t think of that sorrowful day

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