Those which were great once are small today | Teen Ink

Those which were great once are small today

May 29, 2024
By allhailthefossnesscup BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
allhailthefossnesscup BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Those which were great once are small today.

The strongest kingdoms, ruin’d and crumbled ash.

Those mighty kings to time have fallen sway.

High nobles sunk to slaves and under lash.

And streams have cut the lofty mountains through.

And tides have fallen far below the shore

Great stories long are lost without a sound and

Songs that were passed down are sung no more.

The tapestry of time has been unraveled

By just a single thread that came undone

And over the ages it’s curse has traveled

Dooming life until its course is run.

Made to march on slowly till it’s ended

When the cloth of time is fully mended.

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