The Love for Learning | Teen Ink

The Love for Learning

May 30, 2024
By SeanMcL326 BRONZE, Malvern, Pennsylvania
SeanMcL326 BRONZE, Malvern, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The blinds crack with the morning rays of dawn 

Hearing my seventh alarm as I lay 

Walking to the bus through the dewey lawn 

Embarking on a newly founded day 

With teachers’ wisdom, like a guiding star 

But, opportunities need constant seek 

Leaving students to start from a far 

A challenge for minds to grow every week

Steam comes from many minds at high function

Blazing through work is never a feat

Immersing in work through noble production

Always bitter sweet when school is complete 

In school’s embrace, my soul is ever bright 

A love for learning sets my heart alight 

The author's comments:

This was a project base on something the writer loved. I decided to write my sonnet about school and my love for learning. 

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