Sonnet : How do you trust love? | Teen Ink

Sonnet : How do you trust love?

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

When once my heart was filled with pure delight

At the sight of love, so tender and true

As it had always been, my soul took flight

But now, I’m left with scars that won’t subdue

All I wanted was to forget her face

To erase the memories that haunted me deep

But every thought of her, I can’t erase

For her love, like a wound, would forever seep

The shows, about love, where we’d never be cast

The letters, the gifts, the pictures we shared

I tried to throw away the tokens of our past

But even in the act, my heart was ensnared

I’ve learned love can be but fleeting dreams

that shatters hopes and tears hearts at the seams.

The author's comments:

breakups suck.

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