Tragedy | Teen Ink


May 4, 2010
By miss2kool BRONZE, Houston, Texas
miss2kool BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The Golden Rule

Tears, sadness, quite, pain.
Feelings of loss; feelings of something you can’t regain.
What you think and do you just cannot control;
No matter what anyone says will stop you, you’re on a roll.

It cuts so deep taking the life away.
But what you see outside is just another day.
Blue skies; green trees and everything with sugar and spice.
But that feeling you have on the inside just isn’t so nice.

So what is next; what shall you do with your life?
Give up, move on, die or cause strife.
None of that seems right.
You just want to sit; sit through the night.

There really is no solution.
Nope; there is nothing that will bring back your past.

The author's comments:
My dad had a stroke about a year and a half ago and he is in a nursing home still suffering with the effects of it. So I guess this a little bit of how I feel.

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