Stand for the Silent | Teen Ink

Stand for the Silent

November 3, 2011
By TheRebik SILVER, Haworth, Oklahoma
TheRebik SILVER, Haworth, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its what you do that counts

I stand for the silent;
I hold on for the weak.
I don’t give up for the ones;
Still afraid to speak.

Be somebody;
Save a kid’s life.
Save them from hurt;
Hear their cries.

Stand for Ty Smalley;
And his family’s fight.
Stand for Sylvia Likens;
You’ll be doing right.

Fight the bullies;
With words of power.
Teach them to show love;
Change the moods from sour.

I stand for the hurt;
I stand for the silent.
I stand for the ones;
Caught between the violent.

I pray for the weak;
I care for the strong.
I stand up to bullies;
I know what they do is wrong.

And I ask you;
As will most.
Protect the abused from bullies;
Don’t just be a ghost.

You are somebody;
Somebody here.
Speak for yourself;
And the ones who fear.

RIP…the silent who have fallen.

The author's comments:
Inspired by Kirk Smalley...join his quest.

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