Tic Toc, Tic Toc | Teen Ink

Tic Toc, Tic Toc

April 1, 2013
By Pavan GOLD, New York, New York
Pavan GOLD, New York, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I stand there laced up, ball at my feet
I wait for the whistle to sound, I watch
My foes scraping the ground hungry for meat.
The clock starts, tic toc, the noise of the watch
Is heard as they come closer for the kill.
My body paralyzed, tic toc, tic toc.
Numbers darting at me, give me a chill.
All run toward me, as I stand like a rock.
I hear my dad’s emphatic voice cheering.
His belief inspires a deep confidence.
It touched my heart, I start persevering.
Empowered, I can play better offense.
Taking deep breaths, I decide not to stall,
I look at my mark, turn, and pass the ball.

The author's comments:
Its those Tic Toc situations that prevent the best to play at their best!

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