There Is No Place Like Home | Teen Ink

There Is No Place Like Home

May 13, 2013
By Jennifer Flannery BRONZE, Lake Barrington, Illinois
Jennifer Flannery BRONZE, Lake Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I step into my vacation home,
I know this place like it was yesterday.
I am pleasant and pleased, no need to roam,
I feel the ocean breeze coming my way.

The sun is beating with such a great force.
As I enjoy the crystal clear blue sky,
The silence is giving me no remorse.
The waves come upright, then hit, crash and fly.

Swimming through the glassy water with grace,
The fish swim, like people crossing the street.
The salt from the waves sticking to my face,
The grainy warm sand attached to my feet.

I love this place, only for a few days,
Because home is truly where the heart lays.

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