Untitled #4 | Teen Ink

Untitled #4

July 26, 2013
By Nas_Canlas SILVER, Angeles City, Other
Nas_Canlas SILVER, Angeles City, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Loving the one who doesn't love you will certainly make you suffer.

Seeing him with thou with jealousy
I feel my heart was left unstitched
The boy's my friend unfortunately
It seems, this love is hard to reach
Trying to leave you as I could
Leaving you with so much pain
Endure the pain forever; who would?
How long will my heart be chained?
Letting go, my friend and I talked
We spoke together in anguish
And left me laying on the hamoc
How could I be so foolish?
Knowing that they are close
Why would I dare to oppose?

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