Sonnet for Brooke | Teen Ink

Sonnet for Brooke

March 24, 2014
By Anonymous

1 I would love to see your precious smile
2 It would simply make my day
3 Even if it were for a short while
4 A minute, a second, would be okay.
5 I would love to see your smiling face
6 You were such a good friend
7 Somebody no one else could replace
8 My heart will never mend.
9 Though, I don’t understand why your life God took
10 You are in Heaven now watching over me.
11 Though I really miss and truly love you Brooke
12 I don’t know why, but this is how it must be.
13 I know I shouldn’t be sad, you wouldn’t want me that way
14 At least I know for sure I will see you again someday!

The author's comments:
losing a best friend.

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