Summertime sadness- | Teen Ink

Summertime sadness-

May 4, 2014
By Geenalevitt BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York, New York
Geenalevitt BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pale legs from winters past beg for sunlight.
Pretty dresses twirl like waltzing flowers.
Petals litter the freshly thawed midnight.
Soon to be, baby birds chirping for hours.

Sand warms our bare feet after winters end.
Pale pastel colors from left to right,
They dance around and on the canvas blend.
The colossal star exudes her rays bright.

The echo of the flowing waters soothe.
We lay on her warm back soaking the rays.
Ocean rocks are beaten very smooth.
We cannot hide from her fiery blaze.

Now our pale skin can finally tan.
Through the amusement parks she loves they ran.

The author's comments:
This is a sonnet about the lovely weather we have been having recently and just the longing for summer and warmth, as well as the feeling of the warm weather and the actions most people take on during the summer.

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