Nature | Teen Ink


May 13, 2015
By Martinalex BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
Martinalex BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do or do not, there is no try

Nature is a very beautiful thing,
Without nature we wouldn't be here.
Yet we destroy nature with machines,
Because of us nature cowers in fear.

We drive the animals out of their homes,
Eco-systems are destroyed because of us.
Yet we are OK with sending in our drones,
Taking care of the forest without a fuss.

Why do we destroy the most beautiful place?
Is it because we have the power to?
When we do, we often don’t leave a trace.
Is money why this seems the right thing to do?

Nature is not meant to be destroyed by man,
Because we can’t recreate it by hand.

The author's comments:

there are alot of movies and articles of people destroying eco-systems. after seeign so many of them, i realized i want to share to people how i feel about it.

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