Sunrise on the Lake | Teen Ink

Sunrise on the Lake

May 22, 2015
By Natalie Scott BRONZE, Wayzata, Minnesota
Natalie Scott BRONZE, Wayzata, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Waves are lapping on the smooth shoreline
The rising sun reflects on the windmill
Birds glide over the water's marine shine
The serene environment appears still

Under the silent, calm surface fish swim
They are as busy as can be, you see?
Animals of all kinds walk along the rim
Do they know life in the fresh water sea?

As the sun continues to rise, lights dance
The calm lake begins to wake from deep sleep
A heron lands and sees a fish; takes a chance
The golden morning light pierces the deep

As the day goes on, the day becomes night
As the moon rises, the birds will take flight.

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