iCrash | Teen Ink


September 30, 2015
By cheeseplease BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
cheeseplease BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You're driving a car. The windows are down.
Your phone vibrates with a text from your friend.
You're texting while driving. Your mom would frown.
A "harmless" text message could be the end.
Mom said to pay attention while driving.
Why didn't you listen? You should have cared.
Now you have a small chance of surviving.
If you were looking up, you would be scared.
A car turns toward you. You can't see it.
The other driver tries to turn away.
You don't know that you're about to get hit.
You are the cause of a car crash today.
The doctor can't save you. You're not alive.
Did you learn your lesson? Don't text and drive.

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