Body Language | Teen Ink

Body Language

December 10, 2018
By jingyan SILVER, New York, New York
jingyan SILVER, New York, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i'd rather lose somebody than use somebody.

Body Language written by Emma Seybert caught my attention with the interesting title and under the category identity, intrigued me. I have never considered myself to be fat, but at one point in my life I felt terrible about my appearance. When she stated, “‘You’re fat. I don’t want to be partners with you,’ she spat at me.”, I winced feeling the pain held in those words. In sixth grade, I believed no one wanted to talk to me because of how I look. Over these past few years, it’s awkward to even remember that I used to think that way. My mindset used to be that I feel so ugly and now it is that is far from the truth. There is no reason to be ashamed or upset. Although the process of learning to love oneself is difficult, it’s possible.

The words that resonated with me the most are “Never apologize for who you are.” They hit somewhere that inspirational videos can’t. Why do we apologize for looking “so ugly” or being “so fat”, when these things are not even true? Everyone is guilty of self deprecation because it’s the teenage years, where we are all confused. After reading this piece, it reassured me there is no need to be perplexed. I feel as though many would benefit from somebody telling them do not be sorry for the person you are.  The dark times of my life are noted, but generously coated in the light and reason of beauty. Thank you Emma for showing me, as well as other readers that we are not alone and that we should not be ashamed of ourselves because we are the most beautiful things to grace this planet.

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