Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster | Teen Ink

Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster

March 4, 2019
By jrosales2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
jrosales2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster, by Chris. It addresses the need of conversation on the negative sides to legalizing marijuana, and how it could either be a disaster, or it could save lives and make people happier. Chris uses a vibe in the article that everything good has a down side. And uses statistics of his own to give power to his arguments. He started telling his story of being a chronic user of marijuana, he states that “Everything changed for me when I went into a marijuana induced state of psychosis”. Which if you do not know, is a very rare condition/side effect of using marijuana. He stated because of this, he literally was not able to move for 24 hours. He said that the THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), is the highest and most potent in the plant that he has ever seen. Meaning that this amount of potency of the drug is completely unprecedented, and he believes that this could become dangerous to people who do not weigh as much because it can affect them more. He also stated that because of this he is afraid that the plant will become so potent because of people searching for a high, that people with undergo the same state that he was in. Essentially not being able to move for a very long period of time. So, concluding everything, I think that it is important to take in consideration the bad side of marijuana, and not just the benefits of it.

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