Noodles and Company Review | Teen Ink

Noodles and Company Review

April 26, 2019
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking in and smelling the fresh dishes coming out being delivered to people is a great first impression. When I walked into Noodles and Company for the first time, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted, or even what type of food they had. It was very nice walking into the restaurant and seeing a big menu on the wall. Along with the number of calories in each dish. Majority of people love seeing that when they are considering what they want to order because of diets, or just trying to eat healthily.

When I decided what I wanted to order, I walked up to the cashier and he was ready to take my order. The young man was very polite and knew what he was doing. Everyone that I have talked to that work at the restaurant or very nice and respectful. I ordered Japanese Pan Noodles which looked amazing. Another great thing about Noodles is that it isn’t expensive at all, an average meal is around. After ordering my meal I went to pick my fountain drink. I love the options they have at the restaurants. They have the soda machine with hundreds of delicious option.

After sitting with my friends for about five minutes before food was already out and delivered straight to our table I was flabbergasted about how fast it came out. It was the best “fast food” restaurant I have ever had. The sauce of my Japanese Pan Noodles was so good. All the ingredients that come along with it were all fresh and tasted unbelievable mixing well all together. It also came along with good vegetables sauteed to perfection. The sauce was mouthwatering, the perfect amount of spice and sweetness. Along with the perfectly cooked al dente noodles.  

Bringing a full family here is a great idea! They have a variety of options for young children, whether that’s mac and cheese, butter noodles, or spaghetti or meatballs. The quantities they serve for the kids are a good size and not too much. Furthermore, the kids get a coloring page to color on while waiting for their food.

Therefore, they could change about their restaurant. When it’s busy it can take a while to order and get your food. Also, the restaurant could be a little bigger because the seats can get pretty filled up and there can be nowhere to sit.

Overall, Noodles and Company is a great restaurant. I would strongly recommend people to go there if they haven't already. Their food is outstanding with excellent service. The food is fresh and open all day, so you can go at any hour. I recommend everyone to give noodles a shot if they haven't already.

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Review on the restaurant Noodles and Company. 

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